Monday, March 12, 2012

Costume Department Pressures

As my last post indicated,
we have been spending many hours
at the ballet studio.

The costume department
started to get anxious last week
about having everything ready
for the board photo session
next week.

When the call went out for help,
many answered and the work
is getting done in a very
timely manner.

In the last couple of weeks,
I have been busy with several
different "detail" sewing projects:

1) Sewing sequins on a tutu-
not my favorite task
because they are very small,
round, curved, and shiny;
and, they only have one hole
to sew through them.
(They really should have
two holes, like a button.)

2) Sewing trim on various costumes.

3) Removing trim on various costumes-
yes, sometimes the trim that
was just sewn onto the costume
must be removed and redone
because the costume needs to be
re-altered for a better fit,
or the trim was sewn
onto the costume inside out,
or it was not sewn onto
the perfect spot.

3) Shopping for thread, ruffles, ribbons, etc.


4) Sewing on ruffles, ribbons, and more trim.

And, the work goes on, and on, and on....

Note: Attempts are being made
to take "before and after" photos
of my various sewing projects.

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