Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Lobby

The Lobby...

So many hours of waiting.

And keeping the siblings entertained so that they are not jumping on the furniture, causing a commotion about sharing, or run in and out of their sibling's class.

Thank goodness for electronics, books, and homework to keep the older ones busy.

It's always fun to watch a group of younger siblings playing together over the years.

It's even a little sad when the younger siblings start their first official ballet class.

And, the best thing about The Lobby...

Friendships between the parents that share this common bond of ballet.

Often we don't even learn each others names, other than "So-and-so's mom," for up to three years; but we enjoy the conversations and the time spent together.


  1. It's time to start posting some pictures with the blog. Even if it's just stock photos you steal. : )

  2. The purpose of my blog was to get some of the memories down before I forget. I do have pictures, but I have a dozen more projects that are at a "Now" status, and finding pictures is at the bottom. Sorry, I'm not that computer savvy. My husband did the pictures for my first one and he has not had time to help me since.
